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>> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:57 pm
by TGMatt
Hey all we just finished the methodology for you to share your busking tunes..

These are songs that you don't want to necessarily want looked at by Neil like in student reviews, but want to share with everyone and maybe get a chain of them started ...

We call it "Busking with TG"

Thx to Chris for starting this, hopefully you will have a bunch of fun with this and we can all enjoy this trip together.

Below is a video Mike made to show you how to use the feature...

Hope you enjoy this new little add on for the community



Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:25 pm
by AcousticAl
Hi guys,

It's been a while and I can't remember how (or where) to find the uploader for busking.
I typed in and it wasn't there.

I guess I'll put in a support ticket- but didn't know if I was missing something.

Edit- TG Cheryle already got back to me and is looking into it.

Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:06 pm
by TGNeil
Hi Gang,

Just a reminder about the Busking feature here at TG. This Forum and the Busking Uploader are only available to Target Members and posts must go through this channel. There are plenty of other places where anybody can post any video links they choose. Posts not done this way will be removed.


Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:28 pm
by daryl
TGNeil wrote:
Hi Gang,

Just a reminder about the Busking feature here at TG. This Forum and the Busking Uploader are only available to Target Members and posts must go through this channel. There are plenty of other places where anybody can post any video links they choose. Posts not done this way will be removed.

Hey Neil, Is this restriction new? As you know, I am not a TARGET member but I have used the Busking Uploader numerous times. The last time being about 2 months ago with "Busking a Doodle".

Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:27 pm
by TGNeil
Hi Daryl,

Sorry for the misinformation, I didn't mean to say Target members, just meant members, like subscribers, or everybody signed up. It is open to everybody but the songs need to go into our YouTube channel.


Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:47 pm
by daryl
TGNeil wrote:
Hi Daryl,

Sorry for the misinformation, I didn't mean to say Target members, just meant members, like subscribers, or everybody signed up. It is open to everybody but the songs need to go into our YouTube channel.

That's good to hear. It makes sense to allow ONLY registered users (and not guests) to upload videos. Please correct me, but I thought that by using the busking uploader videos automatically get uploaded to the TGStudentBusking channel. I 'm guessing what prompted this whole thing was that a new user didn't use the uploader and just used the Busking category to link to his own videos. Is there some programmatic way to not allow URLs to be TYPED into a busking thread?

Thanks for the clarification.

Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:07 pm
by willem
here it is George..

Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:06 pm
by deuce01
Is uploading the only way to get Videos here? Can we use links to youtube or embedded code?

Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:45 pm
by Music Junkie
deuce01 wrote:
Is uploading the only way to get Videos here? Can we use links to youtube or embedded code?

If you have a YT channel yourself, you can simply copy/paste the link into a thread and you should be good. Same as sharing any other video from YT here....

Hope that helps!


Re: >> Instructions for Busking with TG feature..

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:37 am
by auntlynnie
A question here...or maybe two :blink:

First, I have a Mac and my videos end up in MOV format, which the busking uploader won't accept. Does anyone know how to change the format? On my first try I just uploaded it to Youtube and posted the link.

So my second question is, how do I add a band if I'm not using the Busking Uploader?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
