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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 15th, 2019

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Totally Guitars Weekly Wrap Up February 15th, 2019


Today I spent most of the video running through bits and pieces of things I may play on the radio this afternoon, starting with an old standby, The Last Steam Engine Train. That is an example of the kind of thing I recommend starting a performance with, a tune you have known for years. I also ran through a little of the new things I hope to play, solo arrangements of Close To You and Eye In The Sky. I hope to get a recording of the radio spot up as a podcast for those who missed it but you can stream it live here.

The new stuff this week included another Barbra Streisand/Barry Gibb collaboration What Kind Of Fool, an Elvis tune with one of the longest names in history, I Want You, I Need You, I Love You. Shining Star by Earth, Wind & Fire, Get Lucky by Daft Punk, and a FOTW addition with Bill working on Blackbird.

I will be traveling next week and may not get to the Weekly Update so carry on and I will be back at the Kalends of March!



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